FOXTRAIL BERLIN: Follow the trail...
Start:Reinhardtstr., Reinhardtstraße 6, 10117 Berlin, Mitte

Foxtrail Berlin 2for1
A fantastic mix of scavenger hunt, sightseeing & outdoor game!
Find the fox in the urban jungle!
The hunt for the cunning animal leads in small teams of 2 to 6 people across the districts and is an exciting challenge even for locals. You are guaranteed to rediscover Berlin on the trails - and yourself too!
Experience the city as your playing field, because the technically elaborately staged clues can be hidden or built in everywhere.
To get on the trail of the fox you do not need an app, but your heads, hands as well as all the senses. And only team spirit, skill and cleverness will get you to the goal.
You have the choice: Foxtrail "Dufte" and "Knorke" in Berlin-Mitte
and Foxtrail "Schnieke" in Berlin-City West.
- it can be started every 15 minutes
- duration ca.2,5 hours
- length of a Foxtrail 4 km
- start in Reinhardtstraße No. 6
That you must have for this FOXTRAIL with you...
- Weather appropriate clothing & sturdy shoes
- Mobile phone (send & receive SMS)
- Your game documents can be found in a safe
- A valid BVG ticket - short distance (ÖPNV)
A fantastic mix of scavenger hunt, sightseeing & outdoor game!
Find the fox in the urban jungle!
The hunt for the cunning animal leads in small teams of 2 to 6 people across the districts and is an exciting challenge even for locals. You are guaranteed to rediscover Berlin on the trails - and yourself too!
Experience the city as your playing field, because the technically elaborately staged clues can be hidden or built in everywhere.
To get on the trail of the fox you do not need an app, but your heads, hands as well as all the senses. And only team spirit, skill and cleverness will get you to the goal.
You have the choice: Foxtrail "Dufte" and "Knorke" in Berlin-Mitte
and Foxtrail "Schnieke" in Berlin-City West.
- it can be started every 15 minutes
- duration ca.2,5 hours
- length of a Foxtrail 4 km
- start in Reinhardtstraße No. 6
That you must have for this FOXTRAIL with you...
- Weather appropriate clothing & sturdy shoes
- Mobile phone (send & receive SMS)
- Your game documents can be found in a safe
- A valid BVG ticket - short distance (ÖPNV)
Foxtrail is ideal as a leisure activity for families and friends. The loving idea is to follow the trail of the fox. The hunt for the cunning animal leads in small teams across Berlin, where it is necessary to follow together the trail of the fox, find its clues, solve puzzles and crack codes. On this adventure, you can get to know the city anew and again in a special and entertaining way.
This is how much you can save with get2Card/get2App
This is how much you can save with get2Card/get2App
nur 699 €
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