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15 €

Cultural entertainment
Märkischer Lamahof: On first-name terms with llamas and alpacas
15 €
Participation 2for1 August 2024

12 €

Sports Fun
Bungis: Bungis Adventure Golf Outdoor
12 €
Eintrittskarten 2for1 Wann: Freitags

39 €

Sports Fun
Schwimm- und Wasserparadies Schwapp: Day tickets for fun pool and sauna - OUTSIDE THE HOLIDAYS
39 €
Day tickets for sauna and fun pool 2for1
Berlin for Kids
Of course the get2Card also offers for kids and therefore for the whole family. You can use these offers as a family event, have the opportunity to make great impressions and experiences together with your children. Sometimes completely new perspectives, perspectives and experiences open up! Just give it a try! Whether Legoland, Abenteuerpark, Kletterpark für Kids, SEA LIFE, Berlin Story Bunker, Sielmanns Naturlandschaft, Biosphäre, Filmmuseum or Spaßbad - do something together with your children at the weekend and spend relaxing and harmonious hours together.
You will also find attractive offers in the surrounding area of Berlin, for which you can plan a whole day - perhaps with a nice picnic on the way. In the evening you can then review the events and experiences together, look at the photos and videos on the smartphone and find out that it was a wonderful day in the circle of your family - which is definitely worth repeating!
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