TD Berlin, Klosterstraße 44, 10179 Berlin, Mitte
Tickets 2for1 When: Oct. 25 - 27, 2024
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Handke and Beckett by Barletti/Waas
The confrontation between two contrasting works of linguistic art - Samuel Beckett's perfect clockwork in "The Last Tape" and Peter Handke's post-dramatic echo of it "Till Day Do You Part" - is a dialog between two worlds: Virtuosity, denial of the world and manic control meet joie de vivre, the courage to err and passionate outrage. Character versus person, acting versus performance, perfection versus improvisation. Who has the last word?
Two texts, which are far removed from each other in everything, are in dialog with each other with a time delay: Krapp's ego in Beckett is dismantled by its female echo, the nameless woman that he himself has conjured up in the course of his obsessive repetitions. What possibilities for a change of perspective are opened up by this woman who, after listening to Krapp in the shadows, finally speaks up? Is it really necessary for someone to have the last word? "In Arabic, 'heart' and 'change position' have the same root," she says.
Handke and Beckett by Barletti/Waas
October 25 - 27, 2024 at 8:00 pm
Handke and Beckett by Barletti/Waas
The confrontation between two contrasting works of linguistic art - Samuel Beckett's perfect clockwork in "The Last Tape" and Peter Handke's post-dramatic echo of it "Till Day Do You Part" - is a dialog between two worlds: Virtuosity, denial of the world and manic control meet joie de vivre, the courage to err and passionate outrage. Character versus person, acting versus performance, perfection versus improvisation. Who has the last word?
Two texts, which are far removed from each other in everything, are in dialog with each other with a time delay: Krapp's ego in Beckett is dismantled by its female echo, the nameless woman that he himself has conjured up in the course of his obsessive repetitions. What possibilities for a change of perspective are opened up by this woman who, after listening to Krapp in the shadows, finally speaks up? Is it really necessary for someone to have the last word? "In Arabic, 'heart' and 'change position' have the same root," she says.
Handke and Beckett by Barletti/Waas
October 25 - 27, 2024 at 8:00 pm
Info: TD Berlin
The TD Berlin (formerly Theaterdiscounter) is a theater in the center of the city, centrally located between Alexanderplatz and the Spree River. The program includes a weekly changing program of new productions and performances with reference to current social issues. TD Berlin invites its audience* to well over 30 different theater works and related formats each year.
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