Call a Pizza: get2 Pizza Special

Call a Pizza Mariendorf, Lichtenrade, Mariendorfer Damm 430, 12107 Berlin, Tempelhof

CaP get2Card Special

First order with the delivery service, then deliver fresh and hot from the oven, now just enjoy!

Watch out for all friends of Italian pizza art: With the get2App/get2Card you can now save a lot on your next order at Call a Pizza in Berlin. There are two special offers to choose from here:

CaP Single Special:
2 listed single pizzas of your choice at a fixed price of 12,50 €

CaP Jumbo Special:
2 listed Jumbo Pizzas of your choice at a fixed price of 19,50 €

To order simply call or order online at in the category "get2-offer". Here you can also see all listed pizzas.


Je get2App/get2Card only one CaP Special daily.

Not combinable with other coupons and vouchers.

Please refer to get2App/get2Card when ordering.
You can hardly order pizza that cheap in Berlin at the Pizza Delivery Service.

First order with the delivery service, then deliver fresh and hot from the oven, now just enjoy!

Watch out for all friends of Italian pizza art: With the get2App/get2Card you can now save a lot on your next order at Call a Pizza in Berlin. There are two special offers to choose from here:

CaP Single Special:
2 listed single pizzas of your choice at a fixed price of 12,50 €

CaP Jumbo Special:
2 listed Jumbo Pizzas of your choice at a fixed price of 19,50 €

To order simply call or order online at in the category "get2-offer". Here you can also see all listed pizzas.


Je get2App/get2Card only one CaP Special daily.

Not combinable with other coupons and vouchers.

Please refer to get2App/get2Card when ordering.
You can hardly order pizza that cheap in Berlin at the Pizza Delivery Service.

Info: Call a Pizza

The stomach growls, the fridge is empty? We pick up the phone and order a pizza. What we take for granted 25 years ago was still groundbreaking news. Call a Pizza has been a successful pioneer with quality, top service and passion. Today, over 100 Call a Pizza stores in Berlin and other federal states are still among the market leaders in pizza delivery services.

Other offers from Call a Pizza


93 Ratings
 Astrid S. on 10/25/2024

Steglitz branch: Fast and friendly delivery at lunchtime, the pizzas arrived hot and were generously topped. We will be happy to order again.

translated from german - show original
Filiale Steglitz: Schnelle und freundliche Lieferung zur Mittagszeit, die Pizzen kamen heiß an und waren üppig belegt. Wir bestellen gerne wieder.

 Benjamin H. on 02/15/2023

CaP Prenzlauer Berg - good quality and taste.
Order with pleasure there.

What could be improved: currently no deselection of toppings possible && no exchange of pizza sauce possible = if both were possible it would be perfect :)

translated from german - show original
CaP Prenzlauer Berg - gute Qualität und Geschmack.
Bestellen gern da.

Was verbessert werden könnte: derzeit keine Abwahl von Belegen möglich && kein Austausch der Pizzasoße möglich = wenn beides möglich wäre es perfekt :)

 Sarah E. on 07/26/2022

TOP TOP, when I read the comments here I get sick:

Attention when copying the membership number no blank line with copy. Then it also works.
The special ingredients are of course extra, but still 50% saved. Pack times your favorite pizzas in the cart without discount get2, then you know. Locker times double.

Pankow? Is a Frenchaiser, there you can call you sore (is at Mcdonals also often so) just order at the licensed Parner and pick up drive.

For me it is worth it. You have to like the pizza. It's just American. ?

translated from german - show original
TOP TOP, wenn ich hier die Kommentare lese wird mir schlecht:

Achtung beim Kopieren der Mitgliedsnummer keine Leerzeile mit kopieren. Dann klappt es auch.
Die Sonderzutaten kommen natürlich extra, aber dennoch 50 % gespart. Packt mal eure Lieblingspizzen in den Warenkorb ohne Rabatt get2, dann wisst ihr Bescheid. Locker mal das doppelte.

Pankow? Ist ein Frenchaiser, da könnt ihr euch wund telefonieren (ist bei Mcdonals auch oft so) einfach beim lizensierten Parner bestellen und abholen fahren.

Für mich lohnt es sich. Die Pizza muss man mögen. Ist halt amerikanisch. ?

 Kay F. on 04/28/2022

Pankow does not offer theget2card..... should be revised .
On inquiry with Call a Pizza no reaction

get2 comments: We apologize for the inconvenience, unfortunately we were not informed in time by the store

translated from german - show original
Pankow bietet dieget2card nicht an….. sollte überarbeitet werden .
Auf Nachfrage bei Call a Pizza keine Reaktion

get2 kommentiert: Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten, leider wurden wir nicht rechtzeitig von der Filiale informiert

 Sven F. on 12/10/2021

Super tasty Always Fresh! Love our team in Moabit.

translated from german - show original
Super lecker Immer Frisch! Lieben unser Team in Moabit.

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