Bruno-H.-Bürgel-Sternwarte Berlin e.V. : Sun, Moons and Stars
Bruno-H.-Bürgel-Sternwarte Berlin e.V., Heerstraße 531, 13593 Berlin, Spandau

Admission Observatory 2for1
Sun, moon and stars can be seen here exclusively through a worldwide unique telescope!
The Bruno Bürgel Observatory is named after the Berlin astronomer and writer. He has rendered outstanding services to the dissemination of astronomical knowledge.
That is why the observatory today also bears the nickname "Volkssternwarte"! The active members of the association have invested a lot of time and effort in recent years to offer you an attractive offer. This includes the regular Friday events as well as the course "Introduction to Astronomy".
The offer applies to all events in the observatory.
Detailed information can be found at
Sun, moon and stars can be seen here exclusively through a worldwide unique telescope!
The Bruno Bürgel Observatory is named after the Berlin astronomer and writer. He has rendered outstanding services to the dissemination of astronomical knowledge.
That is why the observatory today also bears the nickname "Volkssternwarte"! The active members of the association have invested a lot of time and effort in recent years to offer you an attractive offer. This includes the regular Friday events as well as the course "Introduction to Astronomy".
The offer applies to all events in the observatory.
Detailed information can be found at
Info: Bruno-H.-Bürgel-Sternwarte Berlin e.V.
Whoever is interested in black holes, volcanism or relativity and finds quantum gravity or the cosmic cycle of matter exciting: this is the right place on Friday evening. The most powerful telescope in Berlin, a 61cm reflector telescope with 9m focal length, is optimized for visual use and was developed and built by the club members as a worldwide unique prototype.
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