Masala I: Indian at Lake Lietzensee
Masala I, Friedbergstraße 38, 14057 Berlin, Charlottenburg

Indian main courses 2for1
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Curry, cream cheese and Tandoori are served on original Indian copper dishes!
The Masala I offers you a rich selection of authentic Indian dishes. The palette ranges from small delicacies to gourmet menus.
All dishes are prepared fresh and true to the original using high-quality ingredients. Especially original is the idea to serve the ordered food on real Indian copper dishes
Curry, cream cheese and Tandoori are served on original Indian copper dishes!
The Masala I offers you a rich selection of authentic Indian dishes. The palette ranges from small delicacies to gourmet menus.
All dishes are prepared fresh and true to the original using high-quality ingredients. Especially original is the idea to serve the ordered food on real Indian copper dishes
Info: Masala I
The host of the Masala likes to convince himself whether his guests are satisfied. Some nice conversations develop in the process. Also your special wishes will be met with pleasure. You can convince yourself of the well-prepared Indian dishes in a large selection. All the classics of Indian cuisine are represented and you will certainly not find the choice made easy when reading the exotic names and ingredients!
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