Stadtmuseum Berlin: Märkisches Museum - Feeling History

Märkisches Museum, Am Köllnischen Park 5, 10179 Berlin, Mitte

Admission to Museum 2for1

Visit the impressive building of the Märkisches Museum directly on the banks of the Spree!

The Märkisches Museum presents Berlin history from its beginnings to the present day and houses objects from almost 800 years.

In atmospheric showrooms, cultural-historical originals tell the history of Berlin from its origins to the present day. The Märkisches Museum offers the ideal setting for this: The "Gothic Chapel" with its medieval sculptures, the reconstructed "Great Hall" and the "Guild Hall".

Every first and third Sunday of the month the guided tour "I see something you don't see" offers 45 minutes of excitement and entertainment for the whole family. Afterwards you can - as always on Sundays - experience our mechanical musical instruments.



Visit the impressive building of the Märkisches Museum directly on the banks of the Spree!

The Märkisches Museum presents Berlin history from its beginnings to the present day and houses objects from almost 800 years.

In atmospheric showrooms, cultural-historical originals tell the history of Berlin from its origins to the present day. The Märkisches Museum offers the ideal setting for this: The "Gothic Chapel" with its medieval sculptures, the reconstructed "Great Hall" and the "Guild Hall".

Every first and third Sunday of the month the guided tour "I see something you don't see" offers 45 minutes of excitement and entertainment for the whole family. Afterwards you can - as always on Sundays - experience our mechanical musical instruments.



Info: Stadtmuseum Berlin

The city museum offers a glimpse into the history of Berlin in three different houses! The Gothic Chapel in the Märkisches Museum with its collection of medieval sculptures is part of the City Museum, as is the Nikolaikirche Museum with its permanent exhibition on the role of the Nikolaikirche in the history of architecture and the church. The Museum Ephraim-Palais offers changing exhibitions on Berlin's art and cultural history.


4 Ratings
 Sebastian S. on 09/22/2022

 Kristin G. on 10/28/2018

i have already seen 2 special exhibitions with a berlin connection in this house. it is not only a great building, the exhibitions are also very well done. even we as berliners go home with a lot of impressions and information.
in the last exhibition, pictures of a city, we got a lot of background information from a member of the supervisory staff. thank you very much.

translated from german - show original
ich habe schon 2 sonderausstellungen mit berlinbezug in diesem haus gesehen. es ist nicht nur ein tolles gebäude, auch die ausstellungen sind sehr gut gemacht. selbst wir als berliner gehen mit sehr vielen eindrücken und informationen nach hause.
in der letzten ausstellung, bilder einer stadt, bekamen wir sehr viele hintergrundinformationen von einem mitarbeiter des aufsichtspersonals. herzlichen dank.

 Silke K. on 01/18/2011

 Silke K. on 01/18/2011

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