Füchse Frauen- Spreefüxxe 1. Handball Bundesliga Frauen: Live at 1.Handball-Bundesliga
Sporthalle Charlottenburg , Sömmeringstraße 29, 10589 Berlin, Charlottenburg
Tickets Handball Bundesliga Women 2for1
Experience first-class handball live at the Spreefüxxen in Charlottenburg!
Please refer to the Internet for the current home game schedule of the 1st Bundesliga Women! Please have a look at www.spreefuexxe.de !
You can buy your tickets at the ticket office of the Spreefüxxe in the Sporthalle Charlottenburg (Sömmeringstr. 29, 10589 Berlin) before the start of the event by presenting your get2Card at the price of 2for1.
Experience first-class handball live at the Spreefüxxen in Charlottenburg!
Please refer to the Internet for the current home game schedule of the 1st Bundesliga Women! Please have a look at www.spreefuexxe.de !
You can buy your tickets at the ticket office of the Spreefüxxe in the Sporthalle Charlottenburg (Sömmeringstr. 29, 10589 Berlin) before the start of the event by presenting your get2Card at the price of 2for1.
Info: Füchse Frauen- Spreefüxxe 1. Handball Bundesliga Frauen
Be there when the handball players of the Spreefüxxe Berlin give their all in their Fuxxbau to defeat their opponents! A great team and a great atmosphere on the stands of the Sporthalle Charlottenburg make every home game of the Spreefüxxe a great event. Since 2014 the ladies of the Füchse Berlin, called Spreefuexxe, have been playing in the 1st Handball Bundesliga. The Fuxxbau in Charlottenburg is, of course, the home of the FüXXinnen.
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This is how much you can save with get2Card/get2App
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