Urania Berlin: Knowledge and Culture

Urania Berlin, An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin, Schöneberg

2 tickets to the Urania member price

Interesting events from science and culture - sometimes performed comedically!

This offer does not exactly match our 2for1 principle. Nevertheless, it is important for us to present you the Berlin institution Urania in Berlin-Schöneberg as a get2 partner!


If you come in pairs, show your get2Cardadvantage card and you will receive 2 tickets at the Urania member price. This offer is valid for all events where a reduced Urania member price is shown in the program.

These events can be found under: www.urania.de


Interesting events from science and culture - sometimes performed comedically!

This offer does not exactly match our 2for1 principle. Nevertheless, it is important for us to present you the Berlin institution Urania in Berlin-Schöneberg as a get2 partner!


If you come in pairs, show your get2Cardadvantage card and you will receive 2 tickets at the Urania member price. This offer is valid for all events where a reduced Urania member price is shown in the program.

These events can be found under: www.urania.de


Info: Urania Berlin

The forum for the curiousFounded in 1888 as the world's first science center, the Urania stands for cultural participation, education and the democratization of knowledge like no other institution. In its events, it conveys fascinating and the latest findings at first hand. Scientists, researchers and experts in their fields provide unique insights into their work in a way that is accessible to everyone and easy to understand.


3 Ratings
 Martin Z. on 04/03/2018

How can I book tickets through Urania if I have to enter a Urania membership number?

translated from german - show original
Wie kann man die Tickets über die Urania buchen, wenn man eine Urania MItgliedsnummer eingeben muss?

 Sabine S. on 04/23/2016

Small art at a small price. A little tight seating, I'm afraid.

translated from german - show original
Kleinkunst zum kleinen Preis. Leider etwas enge Bestuhlung.

 Brigitte Z. on 01/18/2016

A visit to the Urania is always worthwhile.
No matter what idea or theme.

translated from german - show original
Ein Besuch in der Urania lohnt sich immer.
Egal welche Vorstellung und welches Thema.

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